Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mobile Advertising Growth Worldwide

Whenever we see a new technology or service arrive, it always starts by doing the same thing that the older one did, a little better often on just one aspect. It takes some time before people realize its potential to do different things rather than just doing things differently. For any new technology or service, it is important that we follow a simplistic but yet intelligent approach and the case with Mobile Advertising is no different.

The Indian mobile advertising market witnessed an annual growth of 217 per cent in 2010, as compared to 93 per cent growth in global mobile advertising traffic. This clearly suggests a huge scope for mobile advertising market in India, but it still has not started yielding maximum results despite various numerous attempts being made by a number of mobile operators. The need of the hour for Mobile advertising in Indian market is focused technology attention and innovation followed by customer segmentation and usage pattern analytics.

We need to understand that we can’t just translate desktop internet ideas to the mobile screen because we operate in a space which is more personal and operated by one user at a time. Although mobile advertising is an extraordinary technology; it becoming synonymous with spamming world is a clear threat for its existence. We need to understand that the most important principle of Mobile advertising lies in respecting the wishes of existing and potential subscribers and providing services which would actually benefit the user & this technology long-term.

We need to understand the mobile usage patterns of our consumers and provide them with content which adds value to their usage. We try to make it not just simple, but irresistible for the user which will make it sustainable & inspire new behavior patterns.

At MobGold, we believe in relevance more than the overflow of ad content, their technology detects patterns with messages rather than looking directly at the ad itself. Analysis of users responses helps them detect patterns within banner ad images or text ad, which makes highly useful in filtering unappropriate ad. Therefore, it becomes quintessential that focus is on the end user that see the ads, rather than just put the ads on all publishers mobile site.

1 comment:

  1. Mobile advertising has become more effective and is becoming a daily activity to many people. I know many people will benefit from it. You just have to look forward and see other capabilities of what mobile marketing has to offer.

    Safety Harbor mobile app advertising
